Ginger Marmalade


  • 6 Large Oranges
  • Juice of 1 Lemon
  • Thumb sized Piece of Fresh Ginger
  • 1.5L of Water
  • 500g of Coconut Sugar

This is no ordinary marmalade. The coconut sugar makes it a deep, rich colour and gives it a subtle caramel taste while the ginger gives it lovely warmth. This recipe makes about 4 jars, so it’s perfect for edible gifts, but if you’re just making it for home use I would half it and use a smaller pot.

Cut the oranges in half. Over a large bowl to catch the juice, use a spoon to scoop out the flesh and pips and add them to the bowl with any juice.

Add the contents of the bowl to your blender (pips and all) and blend on high until smooth. Pour the mixture through a fine sieve into a medium pot, pressing as much liquid as possible through the sieve. What’s left in the sieve should be dry-ish rather than sloppy. Leave it to drip while you prepare the rind.

Use a spoon to scoop as much of the white pith from the shells as possible, this is a little tedious. Then cut the peel into thin strips.

Add the peel to the pot with the water and lemon juice and then peel and grate in the ginger. Bring it to a boil and then adjust the heat so that it’s gently simmering. Let it simmer for about an hour and half, until the rind is soft and the liquid has reduced by about half.

Stir in the coconut sugar and bring it up to a boil, boiling it gently for 10-15 more minutes until thick.

Take it off the heat and let it cool for a few minutes before pouring into sterilized jars.


2 Comments to Ginger Marmalade

  1. Breda says:

    Hi indy made ginger marmalade disappointed it did not set please please advise